
  • Teanna Kai

    Teanna Kai


Rank #598
Body 8.76
17 ratings / Rate it!
Personality 7.76
17 ratings / Rate it!
Performance 7.81
16 ratings / Rate it!


  • Average scenes rating: 9.77
  • 314 Favorites

Teanna Kai

  • Also Known As : Amber
  • Ethnicity : Asian
  • Nationality : U.S.A  
  • Year Of Birth : 1971
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  • bigboss :Are you kidding me? ranked nbr 919....what is the matter with you freaks? This slut has a smoking hot body. True she only does females and if that is not your thing that's fine, but come on with such lack of respect. Teanna was the number one seller for several years back in the early 2000's! If you can find it, you have to see her when Isis Love doms her and fucks her with everything she can find laying around the house. It is one of the hottest lesbian scenes of all time. Made back in 2001.

    • February 28 at 3:14pm •